No, I am not dead, or leaving Newgrounds or the Clock Crew.
Despite five or so years of experience in Flash, I have never been seriously good at animating, or creating anything that wouldn't be instantly blammed in judgement.
With that said, I have never lost faith in this community since I joined in 2015. I have no plans to leave any community, or I wouldn't still be uploading movies especially for Clock Day.
The fact is, I've been asked to create more Clock Crew movies, and given my lack in animation talent, I'm not sure
I can especially provide that aside from the one day of the year where tributes to Clock Day and people who aren't as well received, are more approved, and I'm pretty sure I'm lucky compared to some other animators who are actually trying, like chris-the-stick2 and another one of my favorites, RobertClock, a̢ǹd ͏als͘o̸ t͠he͞ k̶i҉ng̴ of̨ ̛the͏ ̶po̵r̷ta̴l S̛t̸rawberryCĺo̡c̴k̢ w͝h͟ǫ ma̷d͏e ͠a̸n am̷a̴zi̶n͟ģ l̶ive͠-̡a҉ct͜io͘n ̀moviè for͟ C͢lock Day 2015͏.
What I can tell you I'm getting better at is filmography, and while I've mostly done YouTube shorts these many years,
I plan to integrate a bit of this into my Newgrounds career. Does that mean ten minute challenge videos?
Absolutely not.
But it
mean that I'll have a much better chance with my movies being accepted. They'll have more professional flair. Before the Flash plugin died, I remember a movie submitted for Clock Day 2016, a movie called Deerboy that inspired me to upload Maniac last year without animation, but obviously I'll have to try harder than I did with Maniac.
Of course, I'll have to make CC movies as well(Deerboy was just Deerboy, no CC), and although I don't have any ideas yet--that doesn't appear to be one of my strong suits--I can promise results.
At best? I'll start being an active member of this community again, which is what I wanted to be when I first joined, but didn't have enough talent to pass judgement.
At worst? You already know.
I'm not leaving. I'm not moving on. No matter what.
As soon as the final stage of equipment for these movies comes to place (a cameraphone I'm saving up for) I'll be joining a junior film class in less than a week. This won't be just fun and games. This will be professional cameras, with professional scripts, and student actors who I've seen grow more talented by the day.
Did I mention professional?
As always, thank you for sticking with me, and happy Clock Day.